Shop Local: Why it makes all the sense in the world.

Kim McNabb
November 17, 2018

At Arcurve, we believe Calgary has some of the best tech talent in all of North America. We found our talented team, who have collectively delivered over 560 projects successfully to date, living, working and thriving right here in Calgary, along with our clients who have hired us to deliver the best software solutions. So, when the decision was made to relaunch our website, we knew we wanted to look in our own backyard for the talent that could achieve our desired results.

Enso Digital and Cairn Seven Creative; two start-ups in our tech ecosystem here in Calgary, were stand out choices for us. With extremely talented, diverse and creative teams, our initial interactions with these firms instilled a level of confidence in delivery.

Enso and Cairn worked with our team of software professionals to storyboard, plan and execute an online presence that aligned with our objectives and vision. This local talent brought fresh ideas, experience in design and online branding along with an enthusiastic and skilled team. Being local, they were able to identify with our Calgary roots, our business and our team.

For the Calgary tech sector to grow, trusting and utilizing the talent in our own city is essential. Putting dollars back into our own economy creates fertile ground for these start-ups to develop into successful organizations and in turn, continue to hire local talent.

In sharing our positive experience in working with Enso Digital and Cairn Seven we hope to help encourage others to shop local and help build our tech ecosystem.


1700, 308 4th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 0H7


5090 Richmond Avenue
Houston TX, 77056

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