1. How long have you been in the city you live in and what brought you there?
I’ve been in Calgary for 11 years now. My husband and I came here through the Alberta Nomination Program.
2. Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in the Philippines. Then after university with my first job, I was given the opportunity to work and live in Minnesota for about 6 years. We moved from Minnesota to Calgary.
3. What field of study/practice did you pursue?
I took up Computer Science in university with a specialization in Software Technology.
4. What are your hobbies/interests?
Food is a big one. 😊 Everyone in Arcurve knows that I LOVE eating and discovering new food places. When I get free time, I also like to try out new recipes or replicate my favorite dishes from restaurants at home.
I try to do regular workouts as well – I bike, weight train, and during warmer days I like to go out regularly to paddleboard. I also play the piano, but recently it’s mostly to teach the kids. Having young kids at home, my main interest currently is spending as much time as I can with them and discovering new places and interests together.
5. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
I’ve always dreamed about eating my way through Asia! Also, I’d like to visit the Philippines more so my kids know more about where my husband and I grew up.
6. If you could have dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?
My dad. He passed away just before I graduated from university. I’d love for him to meet our kids. Unintentionally, I’m seeing similarities with our career paths so it would be good to exchange notes.
7. If you had to eat one thing and one thing only for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A really good Pad Thai. Yum!
8. What are you passionate about?
Learning and growing. I like challenging myself mentally and physically.
9. What are some things you’ve accomplished/are proud of?
I’m proud of the life my husband and I built for our little family. I am so grateful that we can be hands-on parents to our two young kids while also advancing in our careers and growing as individuals. I’m going to admit, it’s not always easy but knowing we can lean on each other when we need support has helped in going through the tough times.
10. If you could achieve one thing in the next five years (big goal) what would it be?
I’d like to start an organization that focuses on helping young girls realize their full potential and show them that there is no ceiling to what they can achieve.
11. What brought you to Arcurve?
I was looking for my first job in Canada and was also looking to shift to the Business Analyst role (from Software Developer). I was having a difficult time because a lot of companies were looking for Canadian work experience which I didn’t have at the time. I saw that Arcurve had an opening for a Business Analyst and the role description just gave me a sense that it’s a welcoming place, so I applied and hoped for the best. And here I am still, 11 years later!
12. What about Arcurve makes you want to stay? (Does it challenge you, help you grow in your role?)
The people. All the Arcurvians I’ve worked with have this genuine sense of wanting to help. Whether it’s to help a teammate who’s stuck with their task, or another team to provide a second set of eyes, or our clients with a business problem, everyone genuinely wants to elevate the people around them.