How long have you been in the city you live in and what brought you there?
I moved to Calgary three years ago for university despite only being to Calgary once before and have loved it ever since! Considering I’m from a small town, I appreciate and love every bit of Calgary. Every day seems like a fun adventure because there are endless fun things to do here!
Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Dawson Creek, BC. It’s a small town in Northern BC that is a short 8-hour drive from Calgary. Most of my family lives there, so I visit when I can!
What field of study/practice did you pursue?
Straight out of high school, I went into business school at Mount Royal University, where I soon found my passion for marketing! I am almost finished with my Bachelor’s degree with a major in marketing and a minor in communications.
What are your hobbies/interests?
Growing up, I loved to draw and paint, and now that I am older, I have found myself putting my creativity into different hobbies. I now express my creativity through photography and marketing. I also love to go thrifting to be fashionable on a budget and sometimes tailor my thrift store finds to my liking! Lastly, I grew up golfing, so I spend most of my free time in the summer at the driving range or the course!
Tell us something fun/interesting not many people at work know about you!
Since moving to Calgary, I have acquired a bubble tea obsession. I have tried most bubble tea flavours, and places in Calgary, and I like to express this by rating bubble teas on TikTok! Some would say I drink a little too much bubble tea…
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
If I could travel anywhere, it would be Dubai. I have never been, but from what I have seen, it is beautiful and has lots of nice golf courses. It even has night golf courses!
If you could have dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?
I had a hard time deciding on this question because I am not sure if I’d truly like to have dinner with a famous person, but if I had to choose, I’d say Selena Gomez. Growing up, I always loved her on TV and her music, and now, as I have gotten older, I enjoy her makeup line. Above all, I love how she is one of the few famous people who hasn’t gone off the rails, so I think she and I would have a nice dinner.
If you had to eat one thing and one thing only for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I would have to say medium rare steak. I think that is the only food I wouldn’t get sick of and would also keep me healthy.
What are you passionate about?
I really enjoy furthering my knowledge in nutrition and how good it can help our body. I love food in general, but I find it incredibly fascinating how food can be used to benefit our health and bodies.
What brought you to Arcurve?
Surprisingly, I was brought to Arcurve through a mock interview. I went into the interview super nervous because I had known about Arcurve and had applied prior to the interview. However, once Arcurve's marketing director Dani and I started talking, we clicked, and the mock interview went the best it could, and the rest was history!
What about Arcurve makes you want to stay? (Does it challenge you and help you grow in your role?)
The culture of the company and the people! Arcurve has a culture that makes me want to be the best version of myself in the workplace and just as a person in general due to it being extremely accepting and supportive. Additionally, the people at Arcurve always go out of their way to make everyone feel included and welcomed!